traumatic experience

美 [traʊˈmætɪk ɪkˈspɪriəns]英 [trɔːˈmætɪk ɪkˈspɪəriəns]
  • 网络创伤经历;创伤经验;惨痛的经历;创伤体验
traumatic experiencetraumatic experience
  1. The marking system is a traumatic experience from which most students emerge with a deep determination never to get into a situation where they can be marked again .


  2. Having succeeded in coping with emotional problem , traumatic experience with a profound research , art therapy is still weak in identifying the healing of psychological function with art making activities .


  3. Such a traumatic experience was bound to leave its mark on the children .


  4. I suffered a nervous breakdown . It was a traumatic experience


  5. Traumatic experience is a very important kind of experience that authors always have .


  6. The traumatic experience of two world wars .


  7. Even in the West , having an abortion is a traumatic experience .


  8. Effects of Childhood Traumatic Experience and Self-esteem on Adolescents ' Depression


  9. I suffered a nervous breakdown . It was a traumatic experience .


  10. A Correlative Research About the Relationship Between Childhood Traumatic Experience , Personality and Mental Health of University Students


  11. Sometimes it can help kids who 've been in a traumatic experience get their feelings out .


  12. It can take a long time to regain equilibrium after a traumatic experience of this magnitude .


  13. It was a pretty traumatic experience .


  14. But for students , it can be very , very horrible , even a traumatic experience .


  15. Dying 's a painful and traumatic experience .


  16. Admission to the critical care setting can be a traumatic experience for a child and his or her parents .


  17. Buying into a co-op can be a daunting and , in many cases , traumatic experience .


  18. A great deal of research on expressive writing has proven the contribution of writing traumatic experience to the physical and mental health .


  19. Research has shown that sleeping directly after a fight or traumatic experience will effectively preserve your emotions until you awake .


  20. Doctors there believe the music is the perfect way to keep newborn babies healthy and relaxed after the traumatic experience of being born .


  21. Family Misfortune : Lu Xun 's Traumatic Experience with the Spirit of the Pursuit & The Impact of Zhou Family on Lu Xun


  22. The research on the first experiment showed that traumatic experience writing could decrease individuals ' posttraumatic stress symptom and depression , in which there is no gender difference .


  23. Objective : To explore the relationship of the traumatic experience in childhood and the dissociation experience in adulthood of the patients with borderline personality disorder .


  24. Traumatic experience has become the origins of his creative writings , those collective traumas from the society and personal traumas from his own family .


  25. Repeated experience . The double bind is a recurrent theme in the experience of the victim and as such cannot be constituted as a single traumatic experience .


  26. Their fears may be a result of a traumatic experience , unrealistic expectations , growing up in a high-control home , or even genetic predisposition .


  27. The traumatic experience in childhood and unhealthy family environment do have association with onset and development of obsession , also they have a close relationship with the development of adult personality .


  28. Its peer Sharp has had a more traumatic experience , as it invested heavily in display panel production capacity only to lose market share to cheaper rivals in Asia .


  29. The usual sections of the press blame it on the obvious failure of government to address the root causes of despair arising from social inequity and his traumatic experience of prison .


  30. It has often been assumed that claustrophobia develops as a response to a traumatic experience , like being trapped in a closet as a child , but newer research suggests a genetic component .
